When purchasing life insurance, you must choose between term and permanent coverage. Term life insurance is the most basic and pure form of insurance, but permanent life insurance comes in a variety of forms, each of which builds account value in a different way. Universal life insurance is a sort of policy that many people...
If you die from a natural cause, an accident, suicide, or murder, life insurance payout to your beneficiaries. In some cases, such as those involving fraud or crime, the insurer may refuse to pay the death benefit. Your beneficiaries have complete discretion over how they utilize the death benefit once it has been issued by...
For some, permanent life insurance coverage is a difficult topic because the cost of insurance rises if the policy must pay out at some point. It also has a component called the policy’s cash value that accumulates funds. This policy serves as both an investment vehicle and a strategy to provide a financial safety net...
Toronto, Canada is at the top of numerous rankings as one of the largest cities in North America, one of the most livable cities in the world, and one of the most multicultural cities in the world. It’s no surprise that many Ghanaians aspire to study and work in Canada. Ghanaians have numerous reasons to...
For Iranian students, there are a variety of circumstances that make some countries better study abroad choices than others. When choosing a study abroad destination, Iranian students assess the cost of university, living expenses, the local language, university rating, visa access, and the prospect of career opportunities and immigration. Because of its creative and numerous...
Did you know that by 2022, Canada plans to welcome 1.2 million more immigrants? Among high-immigration countries, Canada distinguishes out for not allowing pandemic border limitations to halt its immigration process. As of 2016, there were 240,615 Vietnamese people living in Canada, and thousands more will be arriving next year, just like you. In this...
Iran is one of the most common countries of origin for newcomers to Canada. Iran ranked 10th among Canada’s immigrant source countries in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with little over 6,000 Iranians receiving permanent residence in Canada. Due to their high levels of education, professional work experience, and English-language skills, Iranians are good...
Canada has welcomed Chinese immigrants with open arms since 1947. In fact, China is now Canada’s second-largest source country for new immigrants. Over 122,000 Chinese nationals became permanent residents in Canada between 2006 and 2011. This is a complete 10% of total immigration to Canada during this time. Immigration from China to Canada looks to...
The history of Chinese immigration to Canada dates back to the 1780s. Chinese Canadians are one of the country’s most populous ethnic groups, with a population of 1.5 million people. Not only are Chinese Canadians vital to the economy, as seen by the development of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), but many European Canadians have...
When it comes to the number of international students per country, Canada is now ranked third in the world, behind the United States and Australia. The Philippines is one of Canada’s fastest-growing source countries for international students. In 2015, there were only 1,880 Filipino students in Canada with a study permit. Fast forward four years,...
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