Ultimate Guide To Immigrating To Canada From Iran In 2023

Immigrating to Canada From Iran
Immigrating to Canada From Iran

Iran is one of the most common countries of origin for newcomers to Canada.
Iran ranked 10th among Canada’s immigrant source countries in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with little over 6,000 Iranians receiving permanent residence in Canada.

Due to their high levels of education, professional work experience, and English-language skills, Iranians are good prospects for immigration to Canada. In addition, Canada is home to approximately 200,000 people of Iranian descent, which aids in the integration of new Iranian arrivals.

Canada is planning to boost its immigration levels, which will provide Iranians with even more opportunities to come here. Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan 2021-2023 aims to admit approximately 400,000 new immigrants per year, the biggest number in the country’s history.

Around 60% of these immigrants will come from low-income families. The great majority of economic immigrants are qualified employees, with only a small percentage arriving as entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs and investors).

The following is an overview of the top ways you can immigrate to Canada from Iran. To make sure you have everything you need before beginning your application, download our Immigration Checklists.

Immigrating To Canada From Iran Through Express Entry

Express Entry is the most common way for Iranians to move to Canada as skilled workers. Every year, Canada hopes to welcome around 110,000 new immigrants through Express Entry.
Iranians were the eighth most common nationality among successful Express Entry candidates in 2019.

Express Entry is a two-step process.

Express Entry
Express Entry To Canada

In step one, you must confirm you are eligible for one of the three programs managed under Express Entry:

If you have never lived in Canada, the FSWP will most likely be your best option for gaining Express Entry eligibility. You can move on to step two once you’ve confirmed your Express Entry eligibility.

Step two is to upload your profile to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship(IRCC) Canada’s website. Your age, education, language abilities, work experience, whether you have previously worked and/or studied in Canada, whether you have a Canadian employment offer, and whether a Canadian province or territory has requested you to immigrate to their jurisdiction will all be considered by IRCC.

The Comprehensive Ranking System is used by IRCC to assign you points depending on your profile (CRS). After receiving a CRS score, you will be placed in the Express Entry pool of candidates.

IRCC organizes Express Entry draws every two weeks, inviting individuals with the highest CRS scores to apply for permanent residence.

Candidates who get an invitation to apply (ITA) have 60 days to submit their permanent residency application to the Immigration and Refugee Council of Canada (IRCC). You can move to Canada if IRCC approves your application.

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, you might want to think about the advantages of joining the Express Entry pool. The first advantage of being in the pool is that you have a chance of receiving an ITA, however, if you are not in the pool, you have no chance of receiving an ITA.

Second, being in the pool provides you with a chance to be nominated by your province. (For further information on the PNP, see below.) With a provincial nomination, you gain 600 more CRS points, effectively ensuring that you will receive an ITA. Third, being in the pool increases your chances of receiving a job offer, which can result in an additional 50 or 200 CRS points.

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) for Iranians

Immigration program
PNP Immigration program

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is the second most popular option for Iranians to immigrate to Canada as skilled workers.

In total, Canada has ten provinces and three territories. The PNP is run by nine provinces and two territories.

These provinces and territories can use the PNP to develop their own economic class immigration selection criteria. A provincial nomination certificate is awarded to candidates who meet the qualifications and have their application approved. They then utilize the certificate to support their application for permanent residence with IRCC.

The largest PNPs in Canada are run by the country’s largest provinces (except for Quebec; see below). Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta are the three provinces. Saskatchewan and Manitoba are two other provinces with large PNPs. If you want to apply for the PNP, you can do some research on the province you want to go to and then apply directly to their PNP.

Also, as previously noted, you can enter the Express Entry pool to be considered for the PNP. Express Entry candidates that match their criteria are frequently invited to apply to their PNP by provinces.

As previously stated, accepting this invitation is extremely beneficial to Express Entry candidates because it serves as a ticket to permanent residence.

PNP Program List:

Other Canadian Immigration Options for Iranians

Quebec has the authority to run its own immigration system because it is Canada’s only Francophone province. Quebec is the third most popular destination for qualified people looking to relocate to Canada. To be qualified to immigrate to the province as a skilled worker, you must demonstrate French language ability.

If you have never lived in Canada, the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) is probably your best bet if you wish to relocate to Quebec. It works in a similar way to the Federal Skilled Worker Program of Express Entry (FSWP). After confirming your eligibility, you will be awarded points depending on your profile.

The highest-scoring individuals are then invited to continue the immigration procedure in Quebec. You apply to IRCC for permanent residence when Quebec approves your application.
There are numerous additional smaller skilled worker programs in Canada that are designed to help satisfy the labor market needs of specific regions and industries.

Perhaps the most prominent one is the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP). Skilled workers interested in immigrating to Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick can apply to the AIP.

Iranian Study Pathways to Canadian Permanent Residence

Permanent Residency
Permanent Residency

Canada wants to attract international students to become permanent residents of the country. In 2019, there were approximately 640,000 international students in Canada. With roughly 15,000 students having Canadian study permits, Iran was the seventh most common source of foreign students in Canada.

After completing their education in Canada, Iranians may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). For a maximum of three years, the PGWP allows international graduates to get professional Canadian job experience. Graduates’ applications for permanent residence can benefit from this experience.

More Express Entry CRS points are awarded for having Canadian education and job experience. It is also awarded through a variety of channels, including the PNP, Quebec’s, the AIP, and others.

Such experience, for example, can help you qualify for Express Entry under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program. To ensure you have all of the correct documents, download our Permanent Residency Checklist before beginning your application.

There are numerous other advantages to following a study course. You can obtain a high-quality Canadian education that is recognized by employers in Canada.

You can also work on improving your English and/or French. Furthermore, you can supplement your income and develop your career by working in Canada during and after your education.

Frequently Asked Questions About Canada’s Immigration System

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much money do you need to immigrate to Canada?

If you want to go to Canada on your own, you’ll require around $15,420. This would contain your proof of finances, as well as government fees and other costs. A couple would require around $20,000 in total. The amount of settlement funds you’ll need to immigrate to Canada is broken down below.

Proof Of Funds
Proof Of Funds To Immigrate To Canada

2. Can I go to Canada without a job offer?

Yes, you certainly can. There are a number of programs available that do not require a job offer. The Express Entry system, for example, includes two options that allow you to move to Canada without having a job. One of them is the Federal Skilled Worker Program, while the other is the Federal Skilled Trades Program (provided you have a certificate of qualification in your trade from a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority)

3. What qualifications do you need to immigrate to Canada?

This is determined by the immigration or visa program for which you are applying. Although just one Express Entry program requires educational requirements, having a post-secondary education can boost your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score and thus your chances of success. The Express Entry Programs’ qualification requirements are compared here.

A job offer is one of the most effective strategies to improve a CRS score. Depending on the skill level, a job offer can be either 200 or 50 points.

Several Canadian provinces also have Express Entry programs, which allow them to draw from a pool of qualified workers.

An Invitation to Apply is successfully secured with a 600-point provincial nomination. If you meet the requirements, Express Entry can be a rapid way to immigrate to Canada, with processing times of six months once the entire application is filed.

Comparison of Express Entry Qualification Requirements
Comparison of Express Entry Qualification Requirements

Move Forward With AG Group!

Take steps to secure your and your family’s future by immigrating to Canada from Iran! A visa to Canada is one of the most critical steps one can take for a stable and guaranteed future life in Canada and is one of the most important life-changing decisions one can make. For your and your family’s future, apply as soon as possible!

Immigrating to Canada is a lengthy and difficult process. It is natural to be confused if you are applying for a visa in Canada since it would be the first time you would have seen any such document and with 60+ visa programs, it is natural to be confused about which one is right for you.

In order to smoothly complete your application, book an Immigration Consultation and download our Immigration Checklists. We have been providing immigration help & advice for over a decade and have the skills and knowledge required to help you through the ordeal.

With AG group’s help, you can ensure a stable and secure future for you and your family.

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