A traffic ticket lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in traffic law. There are three basic ways that a lawyer can help when you are charged with a traffic violation. They can listen to the details of your situation and analyze your legal position. They can offer you the pros and cons of several alternate courses of action. Your attorney will gather facts and information from you and evaluate all aspects of the traffic offense you are charged with.
An experienced attorney will evaluate all legal defenses available in your case. These can include mistakes and inaccuracies by the arresting officer, or other technical defenses that may be relevant. For serious charges, you may be able to utilize the lawyer’s skill and experience to help you in negotiating with the prosecutor.
How a Lawyer Can Help
The lawyer can listen to the details of your situation and analyze your legal position and give you the pros and cons of alternate courses of action.
Most attorneys have a pretty good relationship with prosecutors. They know their way around the court system and will use their expertise to your advantage.
Cost of a Lawyer
The fees an attorney will charge you to defend a traffic violation will vary depending on the type of offense you are charged with. Some attorneys charge a flat rate to get your citation dismissed. These often range from $300 or more depending on how much time and effort they will spend on your case. The fees for non-moving vs. moving violations may vary greatly. Some attorneys may find that it’s expensive and time-consuming to handle a DUI defense and therefore, choose not to handle them.
A client should be clear on the purpose and scope of the representation. The client needs to determine what is included in the cost of the representation to ensure that they are receiving all the services that they expect from their attorney. Prior to retaining an attorney, the client should consider requesting a written agreement so that both parties are clear on the terms.
Attorney’s fees can quickly jump to $900 or $2000 or more to contest a speeding ticket and can run from $2000 to $4000 to handle a complex case that goes to trial. A lawyer may charge a fee for a specific type of case or an hourly rate ranging from $150 to $300 per hour. You may be required to pay an advance fee known as a retainer.
A client should understand the details of the fee arrangement for the legal services prior to retaining an attorney so that they don’t encounter unexpected costs once the representation has commenced. A client should also understand if they are entitled to a refund of the fee if they choose to terminate the attorney once they have begun work on the case.
What Should You Look for When Hiring a Traffic Lawyer?
Knowing what to look for when hiring a traffic ticket lawyer in Brampton can make the difference between a thousand-dollar fine and a dismissal.
A dismissal is when the court dismisses your ticket and lets you off scot-free. That’s the best possible outcome of your case.
When considering whether to hire a lawyer, it’s important to do your research. Read about their firm, the lawyers themselves, and their records. Fortunately, many lawyers have all of that information on their website. Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to find.
Good Educational Background
You’ve probably seen a scene in TV or a movie wherein one lawyer shames another for having a less prestigious degree. A great example of this is a scene in Better Call Saul, where Jimmy’s brother mercilessly ridicules him for having a law degree from the University of American Samoa instead of a “real” law school.
While it might seem like Hollywood drama, this is quite common in the real world—and for good reason. Which law school a lawyer went to typically shows you how skilled that lawyer will be.
The main disadvantage of this research is that there are many law schools in the Canada alone. That means it can be pretty hard to recognize your lawyer’s school. In the likely case that you don’t, just move on to the next research point: Checking their experience in traffic court.
Experienced in Traffic Court
The more legal experience you have, the more likely you are to win a case. If you can see how many cases a lawyer has successfully litigated, you can get a good picture of their experience.
One way to find this out is to look at their reviews. Very few people ever actually leave reviews, so a lawyer will most likely have worked many more cases than the number of reviews they have. So, the more reviews they have, the more cases they’ve worked. But that’s just a general rule of thumb.
Once you know that you’ve found a well-educated, highly experienced lawyer, you’ll want to check out their specialties.
Knowledgeable in Your Particular Offense
The law is a massive and diverse field of practice. No one person, not even a lawyer, could study all the hundreds of thousands of pages of laws and regulations. So, in terms of the law, smaller is better.
The more specialized a lawyer is, the more they’re likely to know about your specific violation. Traffic ticket lawyers in Brampton know more about traffic laws than most other lawyers and civil traffic ticket lawyer in Brampton know even more about traffic tickets than criminal traffic attorneys.
The idea that all traffic attorneys are the same is a myth. When looking to hire a lawyer, check out their specializations. Many lawyers make these readily accessible, often putting them on the front page of their websites and advertisements. The next step is making sure that the lawyer you’ve chosen specializes in that violation in your area specifically.
Familiar with the Area
The law works kind of like a tiered cake. There are some on top, some more in the middle, and even more on the bottom. Although the number of laws and regulations in each layer isn’t quite that simple, this analogy can be helpful when trying to figure out how local laws work.
At the top of the tier is federal law. The middle level is provincial law. The bottom level is local law. In many cases, politicians write provincial and federal laws with the intention of not overriding local laws. That means the law in your county might be significantly different from the county just down the road.
In other words, a traffic ticket lawyer in Brampton can often be better in cases in Brampton than an equal lawyer in another county. That’s because they’re familiar with the area. This familiarity often manifests itself in the form of friendly connections with judges and prosecutors, skill at navigating procedure and protocol, and other benefits.
Is It Worth It to Hire a Lawyer for a Traffic Ticket?
To answer this question, you’ll need to look at both the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a lawyer. Keep in mind that not every lawyer is the same, so these points won’t always apply. It can be helpful to think about these advantages and disadvantages as a general rule of thumb rather than a hard and fast rule.
First, attorneys have a greater knowledge of the law than most non-attorneys do. What takes them only a few minutes to look up might take you hours of research. And you might still get the answer wrong, since the Highway Safety Act of Ontario and The Traffic Safety Act of Alberta are full of complicated laws.
Second, traffic ticket lawyers have far greater legal experience than most non-attorneys do. They even tend to have more legal experience in traffic court than most other attorneys, as well. This experience, combined with their great knowledge of traffic law, enables them to provide you with significantly higher chances of successfully winning your case.
Third, traffic law attorneys can have great pre-existing relationships with courthouse staff, like judges and prosecutors. One of the most valuable assets a lawyer has is their ability to build rapport. Many lawyers use that ability to create meaningful relationships with judges and prosecutors, which helps to get a more favorable result in your traffic ticket dispute.
The main disadvantage of hiring a lawyer is that they can cost a pretty penny. Fortunately, most reputable lawyers will only charge you 50% of the price of the ticket when they win. In order to find out how much you could save on your traffic ticket, divide the fine by two (Fine ÷ 2).
For example, if you have a $1,275 fine for an egregious speeding violation, you’d likely also have to pay another roughly $2,000 in things like insurance increases. That amounts to roughly $3,275. If your lawyer is successful, you might only have to pay $637.50, an estimated savings of more than $2,500.
The downside is that you’ll still have to pay a hefty sum. And, if you lose, your lawyer will not be able to give you a refund. That means, instead of saving $2,500, you could end up paying $637.50 more than what you originally would have had to.
The question you have to ask yourself is, “Can I afford to take the risk?” Many lawyers have phenomenal success rates, but there’s always the chance—no matter how small—that you could end up increasing your cost.
How Do Traffic Lawyers Take Care of Tickets?
Traffic ticket lawyer in Brampton have a host of ways in which they can handle tickets. Traffic and parking tickets are slightly different, but many of the same legal practices still apply.
Traffic law attorneys know their own local courts better than anybody and mold their practices to that court’s procedures and its judges’ preferences. Because of the sheer number of local courts, it would be impossible to outline every local court’s best practices.
Instead, here are three of the most common practices in a general traffic court: extending court dates, cross examination, and evidence analysis.
Extending Court Dates
You have only 15 days to pay a traffic ticket. 15 days is only a blink of an eye in a legal setting. Finding and examining all of the relevant evidence within 15 days can be a serious challenge, even for expert attorneys.
Cross Examination
Cross examination is the practice of questioning the prosecution’s witnesses. In traffic court, that’s typically the police officer who wrote the ticket.
Your attorney will ask the police officer a series of questions about the evidence, the police officer’s career, and other relevant information. They do so in order to show that the officer has not met the burden of proof against you. In other words, your lawyer cross-examines the police officer to show the judge that there’s no legal reason to uphold the ticket.
This practice also helps your lawyer gain valuable insights into your case that they can then use to create further arguments. A good example of this is in closing arguments, the bit your lawyer says to the judge at the end of the hearing.
Evidence Analysis
Every good lawyer knows how to examine the evidence. Research skills are one of the most important assets a lawyer can have. Without the ability to research the law and examine the evidence, there’s virtually no way to disprove the police officer’s reason for writing you the ticket.
By analyzing the evidence, your lawyer can piece together a legal argument in your favor, helping you to win your case. Of course, there’s not always enough evidence to support dismissal. In those cases, what evidence you do have might still help you bargain for a plea in some local courts.
How Much Is a Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Brampton?
Traffic lawyers for minor offences are some of the most affordable. They only charge about $150-500 to fight your case. However, do note that the more complex the case is the higher the charge is, so don’t get surprised if your fine is wildly above our estimates.
Unfortunately, traffic ticket lawyers cannot provide refunds. hat means you might end up paying for a lawyer who doesn’t get you a favorable result in your case. On the bright side, hiring a lawyer is the best way to win your case. So this non-refundable fee is not really something that too many people have to worry about.
What Violations Can Cause You To Receive Traffic Tickets?
This is by far the most common traffic ticket in Canada, and it is usually seen as a minor infraction. Speeding is a negative habit that many of us have developed as a result of our hectic lifestyles and desire to get from one place to another on time. Unfortunately, speed plays a role in collisions, and the quicker you are driving when you collide with another vehicle, the more devastating the impact will be.
A speeding ticket comes with a fee that varies based on the province and how far you were traveling over the speed limit when you were caught. It could also raise the cost of your car insurance. Insurance companies can charge you for this all-too-common ticket for three years from the date of conviction, not the date of receipt, and if you get another speeding ticket during that time, your rates may increase even more.
Going too quickly on the road is one of the most popular and costly bad habits among Canadian drivers.
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign
At some point throughout their driving careers, most drivers have rolled past a stop sign. It’s no surprise that this is one of the most common traffic violations issued by Canadian cops. It’s easy to just roll through an intersection when there’s no one else around. If a law enforcement officer is present, it may result in a ticket. Worse, if you overlook something, like a pedestrian crossing the street, this traffic offense could turn deadly.
This penalty, like a speeding ticket, can have a three-year impact on your insurance rates.
Failure to Wear a Seatbelt
It is the law in Canada that you wear your seatbelt at all times while in your vehicle. In fact, everyone in the car must buckle up, and the driver may be held liable for passengers under the age of sixteen. Despite the fact that seatbelt use has grown in Canada since the regulations were implemented, it is still one of the most common traffic violations.
Seatbelt use has been shown to save lives in crashes; not wearing one puts you at risk. It may potentially endanger the other passengers in the vehicle. Whether or not this ticket affects your insurance rates is determined by your province and the insurance carrier, although it is a significant fine in all provinces.
Improper Turns
A variety of possible incorrect turns is another common traffic citation issued to Canadian drivers. Turning when it is illegal and turning from the wrong lane are examples of this. This type of behavior can be extremely dangerous because it makes it impossible for other drivers to anticipate your next move.
You may face a rise in your insurance rates as a result of this ticket, in addition to a fine for making an improper turn.
Running Red Lights
Drivers are constantly attempting to beat the light and get to their destination faster. Running a red light can result in an accident and a traffic citation, both of which can be costly in terms of fines and insurance premiums. Because red light cameras have increased the likelihood of cars being caught running red lights, this traffic citation has become one of the most common in Canada.
Many incidents occur as a result of drivers failing to stop at a red light, as well as pedestrians being struck by automobiles. If all you get is a ticket, it can cost you three years of insurance, but it’s unsafe behavior that should be avoided.
Careless Driving
While reckless driving is one of the most prevalent traffic fines, it is also one of the tickets that is most often successfully disputed and deleted from the driver’s record in court, according to Points, the traffic ticket specialists. This is most likely due to the fact that the definition of careless driving is less clear and depends on the officer’s discretion.
While fighting and winning this ticket may be easier, it does not make it any less of a risky driving habit.
Depending on your insurance company’s policies, these typical traffic tickets might cost you money on your motor insurance, as well as fines and the risk of injuries and fatalities. These citations are all too common; avoiding them can help to keep the roads safer and cut your insurance costs.
Is a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Right For Me?
The answer to this question isn’t found in the back of the book. Traffic Tickets differ from person to person. In addition to taking into account your circumstances, you may very well be fine by just paying the fines and be over with. However, to people with particularly serious violations or large amounts of tickets, the matter is more complex and can cost a hefty fine. In such situations, it is best to hire a professional traffic ticket lawyer. When you search for a lawyer, there are a multitude of options to choose from. Nevertheless, you should only choose a lawyer based on their experience, record and professional background.
Thankfully, AG Group Enterprise Ltd, is here to help! Our mission at AG Group is to provide a wide range of traffic legal and paralegal services, including speeding tickets, careless driving charges, distracted driving charges, stunt driving charges and more!
With AG group’s traffic ticket services, you can protect your right to drive as well as pay substantially less fees saving your finances.